Business Solutions

Electronic Customer Relationship & Territory Management System ECRTMS

A simple user-friendly system that fulfills the needs of the pharmaceutical companies without sacrificing the flexibility of the system.

The Horizon L.L.C USA and Stereoscopic Vision – Jordan has developed, an Electronic Customer Relationship & Territory Management System (ECRTMS)- The Horizon® which is a highly professional system that provides all necessary data that is essential for managing the sales and marketing activities at different levels for all pharmaceutical companies that seek professionalism and perfection in their planning and performance.

ECRTMS The Horizon®
Electronic Customer Relationship & Territory Management System
A simple user-friendly system that fulfills
The Needs of the Pharmaceutical Companies
Without Sacrificing the flexibility of the System

System Features

  • Electronic customer filing system and Territory management
  • Freely definable customer characteristics
  • Multiple customer classification.
  • Customer selection and targeting.
  • Integrated search & list engine.
  • Events and campaign management
  • Sales force Activities control
  • Visit reporting procedure
  • Freely-definable visit and reporting screens
  • Procedure for releasing samples and their documentation
  • Tour and route planning
  • Weekly daily, weekly, monthly plan and smart Mail

Experience gained from practice

The The Horizon® ECRTMS software was, from the very beginning, developed with the involvement of experienced pharmaceutical consultants, instructors, regional managers, product managers and sales specialists. Through a constant exchange of views with a variety of people in totally different pharmaceutical sales forces, as well as through direct support to our customers, our project managers have intimate knowledge of the procedures. So, with the unique flexibility of The Horizon , you get what you are looking for.

Software that understands!

The Horizon offers access to a sophisticated territory management system – so, no matter whether you use standard hierarchical structures, parallel lines, overlapping areas or key account managers in your sales force, it’s absolutely no problem! Within the The Horizon® ECRTMS you can specify territory structures not just by geographical systems but also by criteria such as customer type, subject area or others. And that does not only apply to your territory management. It’s just as easy for you to define your individual reporting procedures, visit data and customer characteristics, depending on line or type of customer.

Clear Display of Figures.

From The Horizon® Data Files you can get the analyses you need in your ECRTMS – and that applies to every user. Sales force management can see the most important cumulative figures at a glance – and, if necessary, can probe as deeply as they like into the data. You can make the figures directly available to the sales force within The Horizon. This enables interested users to also assess the data for their territory in the ECRTMS, by means of a demonstrably intuitive user interface, according to their own criteria.

Recognizing opportunities and risks

  • Detailed reports from the sales force control show you any deviations from the norm. These could be in the metadata – such as call rate and visit days – or in the sales potential and turnover-to-visit ratios. This way, you can check your sales force targeting!
  • With our sales force control system, it’s just as easy for you to get an overview of the factors that determine success, such as classification-specific frequency, or quantity targets.


  1. Helps identifying areas of strengths & weakness on the levels of:
    • Representatives
    • Tools
    • Supervisors / Area Manager.
    • Messages
  2. Better Monitoring & Control
    Timely Corrective Actions
    Best Allocation of Resources
    H.R - Time - Tools

  3. Creates a customer's database which includes pre-Established qualitative parameters
  4. (Specialty - Potentiality - Attitude - Behavior - Prescribing habits)

    Enables qualification of customers
    For specific promotion rather
    Than broadcast marketing

  5. Allows Horizoning of the customer conversion process Using the attitude feedback per cycle
  6. Continuous & Up-to-date Evaluation of Results
    Fine Tuning of Promotional Messages
    Re-allocation of Resources

  7. Inter-relates Activity / Expenses / Revenue on the levels of:
    • Representatives
    • Country.
    • Supervisors / Area Manager.
    • Region.
  8. Easier & More Accurate Analysis of Results
    Supports Decision Making